Walking with the Moon has felt particularly soothing and grounding for me this past week. The Full Moon has felt like a soft and powerful witness, hanging low in the sky, shining her bright light, reminding me of the cyclical nature of all things and of the wisdom of slowing down.

This embodied practice of walking with the Moon is something that I am deeply grateful for.

I vividly remember a time in my life, where I did not even notice the Moon. Where I was so busy and disconnected from myself and nature that it did not even occur to me to look up and gaze at her beauty.

I was living in my head and in constant survival mode: always busy, focused on achieving, disconnected, tired, lost.

When we start healing from trauma, it often comes with an unraveling of our former beliefs and ways of living; of becoming aware of all that we were previously unaware of. For me, a part of that has been reconnecting with the beauty, cycles, and wisdom of nature and with myself as nature; with humans as nature.

It has helped me reframe so much and brought me a clarity that I am so grateful for and that keeps guiding me on my own personal healing journey.

Walking with the Moon has taught me to observe and to listen. To slow down and be present. To tap into and honour natural cycles. To heal and deepen my relationship with nature and the feminine and to reenchant my life through that relationship.

When I walk with the Moon, I often pause and look up at her. I drink in her beauty and light. I notice the deep connection that I feel to her and the magic that bubbles up within me.

I also notice a sadness within me because I am reminded of the younger versions of me that did not have access to these powerful evening walks with the Moon. I take a deep breath and allow that sadness to take up space within me. I witness those younger versions of me that were longing for this kind of grounding and healing practice, but did not even know how to search for it.

And I am grateful to now be in a place of knowing, practicing, and appreciating this sacred, embodied practice so deeply and for all the ways in which my life has changed.

