* An introduction *


What is somatic healing and how can it help you? 


Next steps 

Dive deeper on your own: 
If you are curious about somatic healing and want to explore it further, you can explore the free resources here on my website.

You can:


Community support: 
Are you looking for ongoing support in your embodiment journey? A soft place to land and be guided to connect deeper with your body and all that it is holding? Then come explore Rooted, a monthly embodiment membership for women looking for a gentle and supportive space to gather and explore deepening self-connection and reconnecting with body wisdom through embodiment practices and awareness.

Rooted is a community of practice. A trauma-aware space for unlearning old ways and practicing new ways together. New ways of relating to ourselves; our body and its wisdom, our felt sensations and experiences, our inner resources and guidance, our authenticity and feeling of empowerment. 

Rooted is an anchor point in your life, to help you root deeper into yourself in embodied ways. To get to know yourself better. To deepen your connection with yourself. And practice letting that deep self-connection be the foundation for all of your other relationships. 

If you want to root deeper, you can join Rooted here. 


1:1 support: 
Is it time for you to heal old inner wounds and invite your body into that conversation? Time to listen deeper and create safety in your body and your inner world? Time to start living, relating, and co-creating from a place of inner calm and a deeply rooted sense of empowerment? Then 1:1 somatic sessions might be for you.

Somatic trauma healing can help you process and heal your trauma in a gentle, body-based, holistic way. Somatic healing starts in the body and invites in sensations, felt knowing, inner experiences, and stored body wisdom to help you relate to and heal your trauma in ways that go far beyond words and talking. In 1:1 sessions I hold gentle and supported space for you to gently explore your next steps on your healing journey in an embodied way. I guide you gently through each session and help you to reconnect with the hopeful and resourceful parts of yourself, in trauma-informed and sustainable ways, so that you can heal from the past and reclaim your story.

If you want to dive deeper into somatic healing, you can book a free 1:1 Connection Call with me to explore what working 1:1 could look like for you and feel into whether we are a good fit for working together in somatic sessions.